敬爱的客户,感谢您对福山的支持。我们将于12月25,26日,1月1,2日 4个公共假期放假。长假期间供应会出现短缺,为保证您的正常营业,请及早联系客户经理了解节假日期间的送货安排,提前备货。预祝老板圣诞新年快乐,生意兴隆!
Dear customer, as we joyfully embrace the Christmas and New Year celebrations, please note that our offices will be closed on Christmas Day (25 December), Boxing Day (26 December), New Year’s Day (1 January), and 2 January. Drawing from our past experiences, the holiday season could impact the supply chain. We greatly value your proactive approach to pre-holiday order planning with our account managers. Warm wishes for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)
